Due to the rise of influence and popularity of yoga, there are now so many kinds of yoga teacher training courses available. For starters, you should know that yoga teacher training courses (or YTTC) are classified by the number of hours students spend training in the art and science of yoga. Institutions such as Yoga Alliance have set out to define standards (Discover more about The Yoga Alliance – link to the article 23). There are some confusion regarding the difference between 200 hour, 300 hour and 500 hour teacher training courses. Let’s define the differences between those 3 levels :
• It is the most common certification offered by yoga schools nowadays.
• It’s the basic certificate that is recognized by most local alliances.
• It covers all the fundamental elements of yoga anatomy, philosophy and prepare you to start teaching yoga.
• It is spread over 200 hours of study.
• After completion of this course, you can register with any Yoga association or federation as RYT-200, (Registered Yoga Teacher 200) level 1.
• With RYT 200, students can teach yoga or start their yoga school anywhere in the world.
• It is also known as the second level yoga teacher training course, or as an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
• It is recommended ONLY for those who have already completed the 200 hour training.
• It is more intense and is spread over 300 hours of training
• It has an entirely different curriculum, go deepen in your understanding of fundamental asanas. It also dives into greater depth in yoga philosophy, as well as yoga anatomy and physiology.
• After completion of a 300 hour training you can register as RYT 300 (Registered Yoga Teacher)
• It is the highest international standard for yoga teachers
• A 500-hour yoga teacher training course is, with most schools, a combination of a 200 hour and 300 hour training. It can be done in one go or in two separate modules.
• It allows to complete both trainings in a shorter period
• It proposes depth knowledge of the history and origin of yoga asanas and yoga philosophy, also learn different meditation and concentration techniques
• After completing this program, you can register as an Advanced Yoga Teacher or RYT-500 with Yoga Alliance.
Discover the Reasons you should do a Yoga Teacher Training Course with Pokhara Yoga School (link to the article 30)