What is Savasana? Benefits of Savasana Yoga

Savasana, or Shavasana, is the Sanskrit name of an essential restorative asana. It is a central component of asana practice in virtually every yoga tradition and is most widely used as a means of relaxation and absorption at the end of the series. Few schools often use it to relax the body and mind at the beginning of the class, and in both Sivananda and Yoga Therapy, it is often done in postures to relax the nervous system. We at Pokhara Yoga School and Retreat Center also teach Savasana yoga pose. 

The word is derived from two Sanskrit roots; shave, meaning "self," and asana, meaning "seat" or "posture." The first written description of savasana can be found in the classic 15th-century yoga book, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, which says: "To lay down on the earth, like a corpse, is called savasana. It reduces exhaustion and lets the mind rest. 

Although the purpose of savasana is to give rest to body and mind, it is also considered to be a very active position in which the practitioner should stay completely conscious and not fall asleep.  

In order to reach savasana, the body lies face-up on the bed, the legs easily extended and the arms relaxed beside the body, the palms facing up. Breathing should be normal, and it is vital that the body is in a peaceful state in which prana (life force energy) can flow freely. 

Generally, at the conclusion of the asana phase , students can join savasana in order to combine the effects of previous postures. In such a scenario, the pose should be held for a minimum of five minutes, although this can be prolonged for some amount of time that the practitioner can maintain in a calm and present state.  

In practices such as Restorative Yoga or Yoga Nidra, savasana can be held for a longer period of time. Conversely, when savasana is used as a resting posture between other asanas, it is typically performed for a minute or so.

Corpse Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1

In Savasana, it's essential that the body be placed in a neutral position. Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet on the floor, and lean back onto your forearms. Lift your pelvis slightly off the floor and, with your hands, push the back of the pelvis toward the tailbone, then return the pelvis to the floor. Inhale and slowly extend the right leg, then the left, pushing through the heels. Release both legs, softening the groins, and see that the legs are angled evenly relative to the mid-line of the torso and that the feet turn out equally. Narrow the front pelvis and soften (but don't flatten) the lower back.

Step 2

With your hands, lift the base of the skull away from the back of the neck and release the back of the neck towards the tail bone. If you have some trouble with this, put the back of your head and neck on a folded towel. Broaden the base of the skull, too, and diagonally raise the crease of the neck to the middle of the head. Always sure that your feet are equidistant from your shoulders.

Step 3

Get the arms to the edge, perpendicular to the earth. Move slightly from side to side and widen the back ribs and shoulder blades further from the spine. Then release the arms to the floor, angled uniformly parallel to the middle line of the torso. Switch your arms outward and spread them out from the gap between your shoulder blades. Rest the backs of your hands on the floor as close as you can to the index finger knuckles. Make sure the shoulder blades lay comfortably on the concrete. Imagine the lower tips of the shoulder blades rise diagonally in the back towards the top of the sternum. Spread the collarbones from here.

Step 4

In addition to the silence of the physical body in Savasana, it is often important to pacify the sense organs. Soften the root of the tongue, the wings of the nose, the channels of the inner ears, and the skin of the forehead, especially around the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows. Let the eyes drop to the back of the head, then tilt them down to look at the core. Release your brain to the back of your head.

Step 5

Keep in this posture for 5 minutes every 30 minutes of rehearsal. To exit, roll softly first with an exhalation on one foot, preferably on the right. Take 2 to 3 more breaths. Push your palms on the floor for each exhalation and boost your torso, moving your head painfully. The head is still expected to show up third.

Health Benefits of Savasana.

#1 It Reduces Stress, Anxiety, And Tension

Stress causes multiple health issues, which contribute to mental and physical health conditions. Stress causes friction on the muscles that fatigue the body and the mind. When you lay on your body's back, it helps your mind and body to relax by removing tension or fear.

#2 It Refreshes And Rejuvenates The Mind

It's a perfect exercise to do at the end of an intensive workout since the health benefits of savasana are uncountable. The pose gives your body time to loosen your muscles, and time for your exercise to set in. After doing this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes, your body will feel relaxed and your mind will be in a calm state. You should use that after a long day at work to make your mind calm.

#3 Stimulates The Blood Circulation

Poor distribution of blood can cause different health problems, such as muscle cramps or nerve damage. When we workout, we breathe heavily, which further induces the supply of oxygen in our body that energizes our body cells. Blood circulation supports healthy skin, cell growth, and helps to recover energy.

#4 It Cures Insomnia

Insomnia has multiple causes that can be quickly treated with this easy but not so simple exercise. As you lay on your back with no movement involved, your breathing deepens, which leads to a rise in blood pressure. The improvement in blood pressure then eliminates all the toxins from the bloodstream and provides good energies to the bloodstream as a whole, which further helps to relieve your mind and makes you feel relaxed.

#5 Reduces Headache And Mild Depression

It's the ideal exercise that will boost energy in no time. This posture helps to relieve fatigue, anxiety, and depression, which are the cause of headaches. So, any time you feel the anxiety on your head, don't think twice about completing the exercise.

#6 Improves Concentration

While performing this exercise, your mind focuses on each area of your body that automatically improves the level of concentration. In this whole process of focusing on each area of the body, your brain cells are also activated, which helps to improve memory.

#7 Relief From The Asthmatic Problem

This place of rest and relaxation is all about soothing the mental and physical wellbeing. So, it relaxes the mind and body, and it eliminates any discomfort, distress, or pain. And it also takes you into a meditative state that is key to tackling asthma, where the body is in a comfortable position, and you feel peaceful and energized.