Astha Siddhi: An Introduction

Understanding the Meaning of Astha Siddhi

Let’s first understand what Siddhi means. Siddhi in Sanskrit means Accomplishments or enlightenment. It is a supernormal power attained by advanced Yoga or meditation practitioners. Astha means eight. Astha Siddhi is the eight perfections described in Ancient Hindu scriptures and Yoga Sutras by Patanjali.

Patanjali in his Book Yoga Sutras--considered the foundational text of Classical Yoga, dedicated an entire chapter- Chapter III (Vibhuti Pada) to describe Siddhis. According to Patanjali- Astha Siddhis are eight divine and extraordinary accomplishments that one can achieve by birth, chanting mantras, meditation, herbs, ascetic practices, and concentration. However, Patanjali cautions yoga and meditation practitioners not to attach to these eight siddhis as this can hinder their spiritual progress and their ultimate goal of Yoga to attain Samadhi. Yoga practitioners must exercise self-restraint and non-attachment to these Siddhis that would help them maintain a pure and balanced state of mind free from distractions and ego-driven hollow pursuits.

What are the Eight Supernatural Powers in Yoga?

अणिमा महिमा चैव लघिमा गरिमा तथा |

प्राप्तिः प्राकाम्यमीशित्वं वशित्वं चाष्ट सिद्धयः |

Astha Siddhi or the eight supernatural powers discussed in Yoga Sutras are- Anima, Mahima, Laghima, Garima, Prapti, Prakamya, Isitva, and Vasitva. Also known as Brahma Pradana Siddhis or Divine attainments, these Siddhis can manifest in different persons according to their unique spiritual journey. It should be seen as stepping stones onto the path of self-realization or Enlightenment.

Anima:- It is the power to contract one’s body to the smallest size like that of an atom. The person attaining this perfection can shrink his body to become extremely small to be able to pass through any solid object effortlessly. Lord Hanuman when looking for Sita in Lanka reduced His body size using this power.

Mahima:- It is the ability to magnify one’s body to become colossal or infinitely large and even expand nature. Lord Vishnu in his Vamana Avatar used this power to defeat Mahabali and Lord Hanuman used this power to burn Lanka and get Sanjivani Buti for Laxman lifting the Sumeru Parbat.

Laghima:- The power to reduce the body weight to be as light as a feather and gain the ability to fly or levitate. Lord Hanuman and many other Gods have this power to fly in the sky.

Garima:- The ability to increase one’s body weight from minimal to infinity to the extent of being immovable. This Siddhi was used by Angad when none in Ravana court could move Angad’s feet. Likewise, Lord Hanuman disguised as an old monkey used this to crush the arrogance of Bhima who couldn’t lift Hanumanjee’s tail.

Prapti:- This Siddhi gives the power to travel anywhere on one’s will and obtain anything out of thin air. The Siddha Yogi can be omnipresent and acquire anything as per his/her desire. Many gods and demons as described in ancient Hindu scriptures possessed this power.

Prakamya:- This is the sixth Siddhi which bestows the power to manifest any desire in reality. The Siddha Yogi can live underwater, enter into another person’s body, teleport himself, extend his life for a long period and adapt to any circumstances.

Isitva:- This is one of the Astha Siddhi that bestows a human power like a God- the ability to control and influence anything in nature. He can bring rain instantaneously, change the wind direction and control the movement of the Earth. He can even separate his soul from his body.

Vasitva:- It provides the Siddha yogi with the ability to subdue any person or animal and control their minds. The power to subjugate and control the five elements of this universe lets the Yogi defeat anything or any person.

How To Attain Ashta Siddhi?

Maharishi Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras has explained various ways to achieve these eight Yogic supernatural powers.

Janma (by birth): A baby who grows up with highly spiritual parents becomes Siddha simply by existing in the womb. Besides, compared to other persons, the child can attain Siddhi more quickly.

Aushadhi (Medicines): Certain drugs and medications can help you develop supernatural abilities and capabilities.

Mantra (incantation): You can gain these mystical powers by reciting hymns correctly. The mantras can improve both your mental and physical faculties.

Tapah (Austerity): Your body begins to develop self-discipline when you stay away from mental conflicts and diversion. It will assist in managing the five elements necessary to get Siddhi.

Samadhi, or ‘one with Supreme Consciousness,’:- It is the highest state from which Siddhi can be attained. When the mental state reaches the level of Universal Consciousness, the mind and body unite with the natural world. Being Siddh, the individual possesses the ability to exit their body at will.

Spiritual Benefits of Ashta Siddhi Powers

The attainment of these Siddhis is the culmination of years of intense spiritual practices, meditation, self-discipline and self-knowledge. Ashta Siddhi powers have various spiritual benefits as mentioned below:

1. Complete Self-Control:- The Siddha person gains mastery over his mind and senses, his mind becomes purified, disciplined and peaceful that lets him have full self-control.

2. Detachment from Worldly Things- The ultimate goal of Yoga is to attain freedom from ignorance and world sufferings and gain enlightenment or self-liberation. A Siddha yogi becomes detached from worldly things and never engages in ego-driven pursuits.

3. Spiritual Liberation (Kaivalya):- When the yogic practitioner attains these eight siddhis, they come closer to achieving the goal of Kaivalya or spiritual freedom. It is the state of absolute bliss achieved from an in-depth understanding of supreme wisdom.

4. Unison with the Cosmos:- As the mind and body of a Siddha Yogi transcend the physical boundaries, they feel united with the Universe and filled with the sense of responsibility to use these supernatural powers for the benefit of humanity.

Aslo read : Why Should You Chant Om Mani Padme Hum?

How to Unlock Ashta Siddhi through Meditation?

At Pokhara Yoga School and Retreat Center, we provide a profound knowledge of Yoga in theory and spiritual practices that includes Yogic Philosophy, Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Retreat experience. Our experienced Yoga Gurus impart you comprehensive knowledge of Siddha Yoga Practices and you learn various types of meditation techniques, retreats, and sound healing practices.

Guided by our revered Yoga gurus and spiritual masters and gaining a one-of-a-kind learning experience in the scenic landscape in the foothills of the Himalayas, you will experience an altered state of consciousness and a life-transformative experience. Practising ancient and modern Yoga techniques with a community of passionate seekers and learners will enhance the learning and practice results and help you unlock the true power of meditation, mantra chanting and Ayurveda to gain any of these siddhis.

Come to us and we will help you become a certified Yoga teacher in nepal or transform your life through Yoga learning and practices. Remember- The human mind has unlimited power and Yoga can help you enhance your mental acuity, self-control and empathy, letting you move on the path of spiritual enlightenment.

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