Om Mani Padme Hum | Experience Purification and Enlightenment

OM Mani Padme Hum is the most sacred and popular mantra of Buddhists. It means- Praise to the Jewel in the Lotus. This six-syllabled mantra was first written as early as the 4th or 5th century CE in Tibetan Buddhist Sutras Karandavyuhasutra. It is said that Karandavyuhasutra extols the virtues and powers of Avalokiteshvara- the primordial Buddhist overlord of mercy and compassion.

Each syllable has profound spiritual meaning and significance that purifies the body, mind and spirit of practitioner and help them get emotional harmony and tranquility.

Om Mani Padme Hum Meaning

Being one of the most revered Buddhist mantras, this has been interpreted in many different ways by different religious scriptures. Each syllable represents a specific goal of the six perfections or paramitas of Buddhism. Let’s understand the meaning of these six syllables first.

Om (or Aum)

Om comprises three letters- A, U, and M. It is a primordial sacred sound that is believed to have led to the origin of the universe. It encompasses every word, sounds, and vibrations. Chanting this helps purify your body and ego and realize the divine connection. Om helps you achieve generosity; the first of the six qualities of an enlightened soul.


Mani means jewel. It consists of two syllables- Ma which symbolizes ethics and purifies jealousy and Ni which represents patience and helps practitioners get free from lust or desire.


Padme means lotus flower and is considered a symbol of purity. Pad symbolizes diligence and cleanses judgment and ignorance. Me stands for focus and purifies people from worldly attachments. Lotus in Buddhism symbolizes purity and wisdom. Despite growing in muddy water, lotus leaves and flowers remain spotless, likewise, we should live our lives in this world, maintaining purity of mind and body.


The syllable hum stands for indivisibility or the combination of method and wisdom. While wisdom refers to realizing the underlying nature of things, method refers to acts of compassion and the desire to help others. Hum is a symbol of the union of these two qualities, highlighting the concordance of wisdom and compassion on the road to enlightenment.

Why Should You Chant Om Mani Padme Hum?

Om Mani Padme Hum encapsulates the teachings of Buddha. Reciting this mantra at least 21 times and preferably 108 times offers a host of benefits like wisdom, compassion, purification, spiritual awakening, peace, and harmony. As you meditate and chant this mantra with a string of beads (Mala), you realize the interconnectedness of all living beings on this earth. This generates positive vibes and a surge of compassion and generosity towards other humans and living beings.

Spiritual Awakening

The power of this mantra lies in its ability to enhance your awareness and set for on a journey to spiritual transformation. It will fill your mind and heart with strong vibes of compassion and wisdom assisting you in self-exploration.


This mantra helps you get closer to the enlightened state of Buddha and inspires you to tap your wisdom for altruism and living from darkness and illusions to enlightenment and truth.


One of the most important benefits of reciting this mantra is the purification of mind and body and freedom from negative thoughts and feelings. Each syllable symbolizes the purification of body, speech, mind, emotions, subconscious, and wisdom. It is only through the purity of one’s body, mind, and spirit that one can achieve real progress on one’s way to attain liberation and freedom from suffering and attachments.

Peace and Harmony

As you recite the mantra, you will feel the pouring of blessings of Avalokiteshvara letting you experience clarity of mind, emotional harmony, and peace. During meditation and recital, Yoga learners and practitioners should focus on the purification symbolism of each syllable.

Also check :  What Are The Mantras?

Embrace Self-introspection and Spiritual Growth

The strong positive vibes of this mantra inspire individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery, let go of limiting beliefs and past conditioning, and gain an in-depth understanding of their real selves. It can thus help transform you from within and realize your best and empowered self.

How to Chant Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra?

Reciting this mantra during meditation requires you to follow some crucial steps that will facilitate you to tap maximum benefits. The first thing you need to do is find a quiet place where you will be undisturbed for a few hours. You need to set the intention to calm and clear your mind from other thoughts to focus on reciting this mantra. Deep breathing and mindfulness will help you concentrate your mind and spirit on the present moment.

Start chanting this mantra- OM MANI PADME HUM slowly in a low voice. As you go on, you should focus on purity, generosity, wisdom, spiritual awakening, and freedom from ego and worldly attachments. Visualize the world getting relieved from all sufferings as the powerful words of this mantra vibrates in the cosmos affecting all living beings including you.

You should chant this mantra 21 times or 108 times at your convenience. Remember to complete a cycle on a mala beads necklace. As you end the meditation, you should sit quietly for a few minutes, concentrating on your breath and feeling the unique compassion for the whole world, and the six qualities of an enlightened mind that are generosity, wisdom, concentration, diligence, morality, and patience.

Unlocking the Benefits of Om Mani Padme Hum

Whether you are a yoga leaner or a spiritual seeker, an in-depth understanding of the Mantra and its benefits is crucial to tap its benefits. The knowledge and determination, motivation and consistency, and patience and perseverance are your powerful tools to unlock the amazing benefits of this mantra. Starting from purity of your body and mind to spiritual awakening, you move on in your journey of self-reflection and growth, transcending all barriers of limiting thoughts, ego, and illusions.

At Pokhara Yoga School and Retreat Center(yoga in nepal), our experienced Yoga Gurus guide you on your way to gain immense benefits from mindfulness, meditation, and yoga. Living with a community of intellectuals and passionate learners and getting comprehensive Yoga learning and practical exercises help you in the holistic transformation of your personality.

Spiritual Importance of Om Mani Padme Hum

As per revered Yoga gurus, Om Mani Padme Hum has profound spiritual significance. This powerful mantra manifests transformative experiences in the lives of practitioners. Reciting this mantra regularly opens your Heart Chakra, arouses feelings of compassion and generosity, and helps you in miraculous healings and spiritual growth.

When you let go of your ego, illusions, and negative thoughts, the mantra helps you gain freedom from the binding effects of past karma. You experience the interconnectedness of all living beings in this universe and feel yourself determined to do your best to liberate mankind from their endless sufferings. You realize your hidden potential and your life transforms amazinly.

Final Thoughts

Life is short and uncertain and people waste a large part of their lives only to regret it on their deathbeds. The solution to most of the world’s sufferings lies in the knowledge of Truth and living life based on timeless principles and values. OM Mani Padme Hum mantra provides people a profound wisdom and compassion and inspires them to embark on a journey of spiritual transformation, realizing their best potential. Experience the power of chanting this mantra and mindfulness meditation with our yoga gurus and spiritual masters.

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